Mirage or Marriage


Happily ever after

Is it only in fairytales?

Or a mirage

That engulfs numerous girls

Into marriages with a different face

A truth that stays buried,

Each day bedizening them

With a  new scar.

But ‛Stop’,I say.

Don’t crouch in a corner

And veil yourself with fear

Covering the dark scars with

Bbs and mineral powders,

Let them be a powerful reminder,

To help you battle the inevitable,

Your marriage might consume you,

In the Fire where once you swore promises.

But see you’ve become that rock in the river,

Brave Goddesses Durga and Kali,

Don’t you remember?

So just don’t think of giving up,

Rather wear that avatar of a fearless warrior,

And rise up once again,

Like the fierce Phoenix,

Newly born from its ashes.


Very recently I heard this news- a woman burnt to death by her husband and her father-in-law. She couldn’t survive the inhuman tortures. May her soul rest in peace.
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Published by Timeandreflections

I am a student, a girl in her twenties, writing for herself. A mind burdened with thoughts is lightened with words. Some people speak out while others write and I belong to the second category. I write reflecting upon the time past or present. The continuous time which sometimes make us forget our age. writing while reflecting is the best thing that people in love with words can do and I wish to write about the time and reflections as perceived by me - the time and the world around me and its reflections through my eyes. Instagram @pr_timeandreflections

9 thoughts on “Mirage or Marriage

  1. These days emotions and thoughts and feelings are so messed up… and once messed it is hard to come out because the person cant realise nor are to talking to others ..and then even when people talk to others , other dont have the courage to say the right thing to the person. It is a rather messed up world and this is an extreme of that. Generally its a mild messed up. And then there is sheer blindness.. ..but it is not all doom..

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Being in a Mars world, we have to don the male mask to survive and pay our bills. But when the Venus inside resurfaces, no Mars could handle it and we cannot go to the real Venus to find peace.

    Liked by 1 person

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